Short Political --

Renato Brunetta 143 cm Italian minister. He is 1.43 m tall.Renato Brunetta (Venice, May 26, 1950) is an Italian economist and politician and, as from May 2008, a minister in the Berlusconi government. He is a former member of the Italian Socialist Party, Member of the European Parliament for the North-East from 2004 to 2009 with the Forza Italia, part of the European People's Party, and vice-chair of the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. the second short political in the world.short political .
- Economic adviser for three Italian Prime Ministers (Craxi, Amato, Ciampi), and a professor of Labour Economics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
- From 1985 to 1989, vice-chairman of the Labour and Social Affairs Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (in Paris).
- From 1983 to 1987 he was Ministry of Labour official responsible for all the strategies for employment and incomes policy.short political .
- In 1989 founded the European Association of Labour Economists, of which he is the first chairman.
- In the 1980s and 1990s worked as an economic adviser to the Bettino Craxi, Giuliano Amato, and Carlo Azeglio Ciampi governments.short political .
- From 1999 to 2008: Member of the European Parliament.
- Founder and editor of the journal Labour - Review of labour economics and industrial relations, he also wrote for the newspapers Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Giornale, and Avanti!.
- List of Shorter political in the world.
- Benito Juárez 137 cm short political.
- Renato Brunetta 143 cm short political.
- Robert Reich 148 cm short political.
- Deng Xiaoping 148 cm short political.
- Gloria Macapagal Arroyo 150 cm short political.
- Daniel Deniehy 152 cm short political.
- Victor Emmanuel III of Italy 153 cm short political.
- James Madison 163 cm short political.
- Joseph Stalin 163 cm short political.
- King John 165 cm short political.
- Emperor Hirohito 165 cm short political.
- Nicolas Sarkozy 165 cm Short Political.